Overall Factors

Action Profiling® EXTRA – greater depth in understanding the Action Profile®#

Action Profiling® EXTRA provides more depth of understanding through what we call the Overall Factors. These do not relate to any specific stage in the decision-making process, but are relevant to the process as a whole.


The steps of the Decision-making process are not necessarily followed in a logical sequence. They are carried out according to individual motivation to pursue them. The degree to which an individual engages all steps simultaneously is a measure of their dynamism. A person with the lowest dynamism carries out the twelve Polarities one by one in accordance with their own motivational tendencies. A person with the highest dynamism is involved in all Polarities simultaneously in accordance with their own motivational tendencies.


Refers to the motivation an individual has to change their core attitudes to meet a new or different situation.


Effort Flow#

The spontaneous readiness to participate, and become involved in activity. Identifying is different from the Sharing Interaction mode in that it refers to involvement in the centre of activity and not just one Stage of the Decision Model.

Shape Flow#

Relates to the growing and shrinking of the kinesphere (movement space around the body) and is visually seen as growing and shrinking of the shape of the body. The relative degree of Identifying in an individual’s movement Pattern is assessed by the relative amount of integrated effort flow and shape flow that is observed.